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Some important information on buying and selling property at Pittsburghpa

Get a new property tax assessment - If the appraised value of your home as decreased since you bought it, give your local Pittsburgh tax assessor’s office the proof of your home’s current market value and a list of comparable sales in your neighborhood.

Research new laws - Check out the new laws that may allow short sellers to escape penalty for forgiven debt or to argue property taxes.

Home repairs count towards capital gains taxes - Capital gains taxes are calculated when you sell your home. They take into consideration the any profit you have made over $250,000 if you are single and $500,000 if you are married. However, the government will take into account any improvements you made on the home.

Analyze your tax liability - Figure out what your net tax liability is and reduce your payroll withholdings to be inline with them.

Getting a Design Consultation Could Help Sell Your Pittsburgh Home

Selling a home in today’s market is difficult, but not impossible. It only takes one buyer to walk through your Pittsburgh home to fall in love with it. That being said, it is supremely important to stage your home to provide the best first impression possible.

If your home is one of the only ones for sale in your neighborhood, you might be okay but then you have to think about homes in other neighborhoods that buyers will be comparing to your Pittsburgh home as well. Ask your Pittsburgh Realtor if they have a decorator they work with. He or she will be able to give you advice on how to rearrange your furniture in a way that shows off your home’s assets and provides smooth transitions from room to room. They will also be able to advise on whether or not you need to paint, make any minor repairs or updates and if they need to bring in any extra furniture or art.

Hiring an interior decorator could be the best thing you do for the sale of your home. The upfront cost is not that expensive, maybe somewhere between $30 - $100 per hour, depending on experience. It would definitely be worth your time and investment for the sale of your Pittsburgh home.

3 Things to Re-evaluate if Your Pittsburgh Home Hasn’t Sold

The year of 2008 was a difficult time for many who are trying to sell their Pittsburgh home. If it didn’t sell last year, remain positive and re-evaluate what you could do to make it more marketable.

Top Things Items to Consider

Does your asking price need to be re-evaluated? Discuss the 2008 home sales in your neighborhood with your Pittsburgh Realtor. You may need to adjust the price accordingly.

Are you offering any buyer incentives? If not, talk with your Pittsburgh Realtor about possible incentives you could offer to entice buyers.
